
Freedom to Choose or Forced to Fund Why Beef Check Off Should be Repealed

January 2024
Beef Life Media Group

Beef Life is leading the industry in meaningful change in the meat processing industry and supporting our local ranchers and raisers.

The Beef Checkoff Program initially designed to promote beef consumption and support the beef industry disproportionately benefits large producers and corporations over small and mid – sized ranches and promoting generic beef rather than individual brands or regional products.

Of primary concern is the mandatory assessment that ranchers must pay which can be a financial burden, especially for those operating on tight margins. Many smaller ranchers feel  the funds collected do not directly reflect their interests or needs, as the marketing campaigns  favor the larger players in the beef industry, leaving smaller producers feeling sidelined.

Additionally, ranchers have expressed frustration with the lack of transparency and accountability in how the checkoff funds are allocated. Many feel that decisions regarding marketing and research priorities are made without adequate input from grassroots producers.

This disconnect leads to campaigns that do not resonate with local ranching communities or address their specific challenges, such as environmental sustainability or direct-to-consumer sales. Consequently, ranchers see little to no return on their investment, questioning the efficacy of the program in supporting their livelihoods.

As consumers increasingly seek out locally sourced and sustainably raised meat, ranchers feel the checkoff’s focus on broad beef promotion fails to highlight the distinctiveness of their operations, hindering their ability to compete in a marketplace that increasingly values authenticity and traceability, leaving many ranchers feeling the program does not align with the realities of modern consumer preferences.

The Beef Check Off Program should be a voluntary choice, not forced on to our hard working American Ranchers.

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